“Fröhliche Weihnacht Uberall !”

As my first-time Facebook Christmas greeting, I’ve chosen this little signed picture, given to my dear great-aunt, known to us as Aunt Carrie. Frieda Hempel, wonderful leading soprano at the Berlin Opera, was a frequent dinner guest with my aunt, who loved to entertain. Caroline Belle Reinhardt-Woy (1888-1965) lived in Berlin from the late 20s through the end of the War. Aunt Carrie endured the turmoil as well as she could in her beautiful home in Berlin, unable to legally return to the United States because she and her husband had adopted a baby girl from Poland (who became my favorite second cousin, June). Besides drastic rationing of food and dry goods, their large home was exposed to many Russian invasions and bombings, one bomb literally falling through the roof to the floor in their living room, and for those long years they endured great physical and material hardships. Aunt Carrie escaped to the USA in 1945 with June, a young girl by then, and brought with her in one trunk, what she could of some remaining parts of her broken life, and a divorce: a fine curve-top desk, her fur coat, some remaining pieces of her fine Rosenthal Elfenbein dinner service (which had been buried in the back yard to try to protect them from shattering). The “sans-souci” pattern reminded her of happier days and visits to Potsdam. Nothing now remains of that large house, the site of which I attempted to visit many years ago, although I did recognize one tree from the early photos, now thriving. Today I have and enjoy the remains of that set of porcelain dishes, and sometimes will purchase individual pieces such as teacups to replace the many that became lost forever. And I continue, along with many today, to admire the art of Frieda Hempel. Christmas is also Remembrance, so Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all. And thanks to Doug, alias Curzon Road, for this lovely transfer from 1935.

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