I guess the story began in late May. I was driving around the last bend in LeRoy, NY, now just a quarter-mile from my destination – The Village Green –  which is where my mother lives. I suddenly noticed the deep purple lilac blossoms on a very large tree which was speeding by on my right side. These were the last blooms, as it was nearly the end of the season. I remember wishing that I could have just taken a branch from the tree to offer to Mom, to cheer up her room.

The next morning, I decided to stop at the little house on that corner, and ask the total strangers permission to let me steal a branch. I leaned on the doorbell, and soon two little blonde heads appeared at my knees behind the screen door, followed by an attractive young woman wiping her hands dry.

“No, no problem at all, take as many as you want, they’re just there to be enjoyed” was her answer. I profusely thanked her, and explained that Mom always brought some light purple lilacs indoors from our doorstep, or some white ones from the backyard, and now she is secluded and alone in the nursing home down the street.

We can’t manage to get a visitor to drop by regularly and spend time with her, I explained, and my brother Ron can only get down here now four times a week. I’m in town for a short visit, but don’t live in the area…

“This is incredible,” smiled the young mother. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to visit secluded people, that’s what I love to do the most in life – but we’re new to the area.”

Could Heather be the person we were looking for? I wondered how she would get along with and enjoy a 100-year-old person who is bright and attentive, but restricted by her loss of eyesight and lack of mobility, therefore in a totally dependent situation… And yet the pieces seemed to fit together as if pre-destined. This person was nearby, energetic, enthusiastic…

I arranged a meeting for Mom and Heather the next day, and on that sunny afternoon on the porch of the Village Green, the miracle happened. As we chatted, I sensed that Mom was increasingly amused and amazed by the young person’s arm-waving effervescence and natural enthusiasm. I believe Heather sensed and liked Mom’s calm wisdom and her unusual ability to listen.

Now let’s jump ahead to yesterday, end of September, and this picture. It turns out that the adorable young girls, Hennessey and Cassidy, have very much taken to the elderly lady (and it’s reciprocal) , and they look forward to their visits with their mother to visit “Ms. Leora.” They come with Heather as often as their busy schedule allows, between custom-decorating wedding cakes and church activities. I hear that even when they just drive by the residence, the girls clamor and cry out “Hello, Ms. Leora!” from inside the car. During their visits to Mom they help by just being kids, or even by adjusting the footrests on her chair and other responsibilities. This photo shows one of the angels accompanying Mom down to the dining room yesterday, doing so for the first time all by herself.

On the phone, I can sense that Mom hasn’t been up to her usual game recently. We’re all concerned. But the picture made me smile, imagining some crazy, divine event like this happening 3000 miles from here, making all of our lives a bit more fluid and bearable.

A moment for Gratitude.

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